Who Are We?

We are a roll-off dumpster manufacturer located in Castlewood, SD.

Our mission is to manufacture high-quality roll-off dumpsters to customers anywhere they are needed. We look forward to earning your trust, gaining your business, and partnering with you for all of your roll-off needs.

Contact Us

Speak with a helpful professional today.

Dumpster Sizes

Our customers need different dumpster sizes depending on the scope of their project and the available space they have. You can order the following sizes from us:

10 Yard Dumpsters

10 Yard Dumpsters

15 Yard Dumpsters

15 Yard Dumpsters

20 Yard Dumpsters

20 Yard Dumpsters

30 Yard Dumpsters

30 Yard Dumpsters

Reach out to us today to place an order or inquire about other options.

Midwest Dakota Dumpsters core values

We've recently changed ownership and management, and we're working hard to become a trusted dumpster manufacturing company that our clients feel confident ordering from.

1.Value: We take pride in creating and delivering high-quality commercial dumpsters that add value to your business.
2.Efficiency: We work closely with clients to ensure all of their needs are met.
3.Accessibility: We manufacture dumpsters for customers anywhere in the United States.

Contact Midwest Dakota Dumpsters at 605-793-4144 to ask about our purchasing options.